Buckwheat is a remarkable food. It's versatile, highly nutritious and delicious!
Contrary to it's name, buckwheat is not wheat at all, it's actually a fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. It's high in manganese, magnesium and fiber and low in calories.
One cup of buckwheat contains only about 155 calories!
You can find raw buckwheat groats in the bulk or dry goods section of your higher end grocery store like whole foods or earth origins. It's very affordable at around $2 per pound.
This recipe is really simple and can be used as a sturdy pizza crust or cut into flat bread for a side dish, sandwiches or just toasted with cheese.
What you'll need:
-One cup raw buckwheat groats
-One cup filtered water
-One large, humanely sourced egg (preferably from a happy, backyard chicken)
-Parchment Paper
-A cookie sheet
-A glass bowl or jar
-Sea Salt and herbs of your choice. I'll be using fresh rosemary and home made garlic sea salt
your going to need to start at least 3-4 hours ahead of time because you'll need to soak the groats for quite a while. You CAN soak them over night, you really don't need to worry about over soaking them. They do sprout pretty quickly which is a good thing. So if you'd like to take it the extra mile, go ahead and give them a full 24 hours of soaking. Sprouted groats are more nutritious and easier to digest! Soak them in about 3/4 of a cup of filtered water. They'll expand and get a slimy, sort of gross texture to them but that's ok too! You'll see that they expand quite a bit and soak up all of your water, like in the photo here, before soaking on the left and after soaking on the right.
Scoop them out into your blended and add the remaining 1/4 cup of filtered water along with your egg, herbs and sea salt. I like to use about a half tsp of salt. Blend until smooth, or 2-3 minutes depending on how awesome your blender is.
Pour the slurry onto a parchment lined cookie sheet. It going to be a liquid about the consistency of pancake batter.
Spread it around so it's about a 1/4 inch or less thick and place into the oven, preheated to 350°
Bake for 20 minutes.
You'll have a sheet of flatbread that's perfect to use for pizza! Top it with your favorite pizza goodies and re-bake it for 15-20 minutes!
You can also cut it into triangles and use it in place of pita or traditional flat bread.
Seriously, if you've been looking for an easy to make, delicious and grain free bread alternative you've GOT to try this out! If you do, please let me know how you like it!