Sunday, March 18, 2012

Word of the Day

What is "ORGANIC"?

What does this word mean to you?
(this moment provided for pondering)

This is a multidimensional word that, I feel, is under used in all of it's potential forms and functions.
Allow me to explain... lets take down the definition! :

or·gan·ic (ôr-gnk)
1. Of, relating to, or derived from living organisms: organic matter.
(So, right off the bat we learn that everything that lives, breathes, and grows is itself Organic... you're organic, I'm organic, the ficus is organic, ect. We don't have to be free of chemicals to be organic! We don't have to be made from whole grains to be Organic! We don't have to be free of hormones or donuts to be Organic! We ARE ALL ... Organic at the start!)
2. Of, relating to, or affecting a bodily organ: an organic disease.
(even our insides and the things that affect our bodies are organic! That cold bug, that virus, that pimple... all Organic!)
3. a. Of, marked by, or involving the use of fertilizers or pesticides that are strictly of animal or vegetable origin: organic vegetables; an organic farm.

b. Raised or conducted without the use of drugs, hormones, or synthetic chemicals: organic chicken; organic cattle farming.
c. Serving organic food: an organic restaurant.
d. Simple, healthful, and close to nature: an organic lifestyle.

Here we have the main stream idea of what it means to be Organic. This is where the word changes a little from a multi-0definition all inclusive explanation of all things living, to the specific use of separating the things we eat into groups of those that are grown with assistance in the form of chemicals (that are often NON-Organic) also knows commonly as "conventional" and the things we eat that are grown without the assistance of chemicals, known lovingly as "Organic".
4.a. Having properties associated with living organisms. Oh hey! This means You and I are Organic! We already touched on this point, but it's nice to re-visit it... especially since THIS is the basis of my post.. THIS is the point, if you will...
b. Resembling a living organism in organization or development; interconnected: society as an organic whole.
Oh, getting deep... feel like an ant hill yet? Maybe you should!

OK so also offered number 5 though 8 in this definition which all relate to chemistry and politics. But my purpose behind this post has been realized in the first 4 sections already!

We often over (or under) use the word ORGANIC and isolate it to the #3 definition of and relating to what we eat and how what we eat is produced.

Before adopting a more healthful lifestyle I think it's vital for a person to take a step back and recognize themselves as being an ORGANIC ORGANISM! 

We're all part of this planet and just as our planet itself is an organic organism, so are we! Both individually and as a whole...

We are not defined by the medications we take or the jobs we have or the cars we drive. Being surrounded by non-organic organisms does not take away from the fact that we are still organic through and through 24 hours a day.

Consider this a bit, especially if you feel your lifestyle doesn't offer up a space for organic living... you're already doing it! You just need to decide how supportive you want to be of what you already are

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